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All About Private Limited Company Registration Through Form Spice+ And Agile-Pro

vivek ranjan
All About Private Limited Company Registration Through Form Spice+ And Agile-Pro

For Private Limited Company Registration or any other type of company incorporation, SPICe+ Web form is a MCA post-login service and existing registered users would need to login into their account using their credentials. To register Private limited company in India, new users are required to create a login account first before using the service. Keeping in view the ease of doing business, new form SPICe+ is notified for the incorporation of a company and other related registrations.

Way To Register Private Limited Company: Spice Plus Form


SPICe+ form is an integrated web form and an advanced version of the previous SPICe form. This unique form replaces the previous SPICe form. All the new company incorporations have to be done by the online filing of SPICe+ form. The other forms that need to be filed along with form SPICe+ are AGILE-PRO, SPICe+AoA and SPICe+MoA.

Features of Form SPICe+ 

Now, Let’s discuss about Some Features of this extraordinary and unique form:


1.   SPICe+ form is divided into two parts i.e. Part A and Part B. Part A is for Name Reservation for New Private Limited Companies and other type of companies and Part B is offering a bouquet of services viz:

(i) Incorporation

(ii) DIN allotment

(iii) Issue of PAN

(iv) Issue of TAN

(v) Issue of EPFO registration

(vi) Issue of ESIC registration

(viii) Opening of Bank Account for the Company and

(ix) Allotment of GSTIN (if so, applied for)


2.   It depends upon the choice of Users that he may either choose to submit Part-A for reserving a name first and thereafter submit Part B for incorporation & other services or he may file Part A and B together at one go for incorporating a new company by availing the bouquet of services as mentioned above.


3.   All new and user-friendly Dashboard is being created on the Front Office for company incorporation application (SPICe+ and linked forms as applicable) which is quite easy to understand and use.


4.   Incorporation applications in Part B after name reservation in Part A can be submitted as a seamless process. Stakeholders will not be required to even enter the SRN of the approved name as the approved name will be prominently displayed on the Dashboard and a click on the same will take the user for continuation of the application through a hyperlink that will be available on the SRN/application number in the new dashboard.


5.   The new web form is providing On-screen filing and real time data validation for hassle free incorporation of companies.


6.   All the information once entered can be saved and modified also.


7.   All Checks form facility and Pre-scrutiny validations will happen on webform itself.


8.   Registration for EPFO and ESIC shall be mandatory for all new companies incorporated w.e.f 15.02.2020 and no EPFO & ESIC registration number shall be separately issued by the respective agencies.


9.   Resubmission of applications for company name reservation and/or incorporation shall also be handled through the application number, or the Name applied for link on the new dashboard. A hyperlink will be available for the SRN, so as to enable easy resubmission.


10. When the SPICe+ is filled completely with all relevant details, the same will converted into pdf format, with just a click of the mouse button, for affixing Digital Signature.

Features of form Agile-Pro:


The old AGILE form (INC - 35) is now replaced with the new AGILE – PRO web form as per Rule 38 A of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. AGILE stands for Application for Goods and services identification number, employees’ state Insurance corporation registration plus Employees’ provident fund organization registration.


Some features of AGILE PRO form is given as –


·        The latest amended form AGILE-PRO-S is now facilitating the companies the registration in Shops and Establishment also.

·        State and District can be pre-filled based on address entered in form SPICe+ Part B.

·        When the application is made for issuance of GST Number, then there is an option to select whether to opt for composition or not.

·        At the time of application being made for issuance of GSTIN,  the user can select the value from the dropdown. In case the user do not know about state jurisdiction, then require to refer state website to know information about Sector or circle.

·        At the time of application being made for issuance of GSTIN, the user can select the appropriate value from the drop-down list of Commissionerate Code, Division Code and Range Code.



In Nutshell, it is cleared that our government has taken really great initiatives over the last few years to advance the process of Private limited company incorporation. Their aim for a seamless and fast procedure is now turning into a reality. By making the best possible use of technology, a company may now get incorporated in very few days.


If you yourself are looking for Company Incorporation but struggling with the compliances, then connect to the team of experts at info@ccoffice.in or call us at 9988424211.

vivek ranjan
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