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Look For Synder At ECOAT 2012 And The International Cheese Technology Expo Next Month!

Whole Connection
Look For Synder At ECOAT 2012 And The International Cheese Technology Expo Next Month!

Our experienced sales, engineering, and business development representatives will be returning to ECOAT 2012 and the International Cheese Technology Expo next month to exhibit our flagship products and new developments. Be sure to stop by booth #344 at the Cheese Expo and visit the exhibit hall at ECOAT 2012 to learn about solutions with membrane technology. Products on display at ECOAT 2012 will include our ultrafiltration elements and tubular anode cells. Visit our booth at the Cheese Expo to learn about our revolutionary nanofiltration membranes and possibilities with the largest range of UF/MF MWCOs of any membrane manufacturer in the world. We look forward to reconnecting with our customers and meeting new industry representatives! Read more..

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