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Collaboration key for decarbonisation: MSC CEO Soren Toft

Logistics Update Africa News
Collaboration key for decarbonisation: MSC CEO Soren Toft

It is critical that priority this year is not only to respond to the huge demand being experienced in the very complex, congested markets that emerged amid Covid but also to ensure that it is not decoupled from the efforts to decarbonise, says Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) CEO, Soren Toft.

"Collaboration is key in order to achieve the aspirational decarbonisation goals set out by the shipping industry,” Toft said while delivering the keynote speech at DNV’s Fuel of the Future Conference earlier this week as part of the annual Nor-Shipping convention. “MSC itself already fosters industry-wide as well as cross-sector collaboration in order to enable the massive investment needed to decarbonise shipping. While the company continues to invest in low-carbon technologies and explore different fuel options, carriers in general continue to struggle from a lack of solutions available at scale,"

Logistics Update Africa News
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