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Chinese Chicken Salad

my way pantry

In spite of having the word Chinese, the Chinese chicken plate of mixed greens is as American as possible get, and is one of the most famous servings of mixed greens in America. It comprises of green serving of Salad (mixed greens) with chicken pieces, ideally boneless and skinless meat from the chicken bosom. For the green plate of mixed greens, you can't miss lettuce. Add different fixings, for example, red and green chilies, hacked parsley, and perhaps avocado pieces.

Enhancement it with lemon juice, ketchup, or stew sauce with salt and pepper. Add more Chinese flavoring to give it an unmistakable taste, for example, soy sauce, shellfish sauce, mustard, and Sichuan peppercorn. Serve it with chicken stock and buttered, toasted bread.

my way pantry
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