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Don't get your fingers burnt: preventative maintenance for fire safety systems

Eworks Manager
Don't get your fingers burnt: preventative maintenance for fire safety systems

If the recent fire at South Africa's parliament building has taught the preventative maintenance industry anything, it's that you can never take the risk of skipping a maintenance job. The day the fire broke out, the sprinklers weren't activated, and the fire alarm system didn't work. If the building's fire safety system had been working, the local fire department would have been alerted sooner to control the fire.

It's a cautionary tale for all preventative maintenance companies, one that illustrates why your customers' fire safety systems should always be ready for an emergency. If your company is responsible for fire safety system maintenance and there's a fire, your client could hold you liable. To reduce the risk of fires and fire damage, you need to stay on top of your preventative maintenance jobs. 

We've identified some of the benefits of regular fire safety system maintenance for your customers and created an action plan your business can use to manage preventative maintenance jobs successfully. 

Keep your customers' assets and employees safe

A working fire safety system is crucial to keep your customers' assets and employees safe. Accidents often happen when you least expect it, so your clients can't go a day without a functioning system. A fire that's out of control could have profound implications for your customers. Besides the potential damage to their buildings and assets, their employees may get injured. If they have to pay compensation for occupational injuries, they may hold you responsible. To avoid this, check fire safety systems regularly to make sure they're always working. 

Increase the lifespan of their assets

Regular fire safety system maintenance can increase the lifespan of your customers' assets, protecting them from irreparable damage. With a working fire safety system in place, you can reduce the risk of damage to their office equipment and the need for them to replace assets. The system will alert the local fire department quickly, and there'll be a better chance for you to protect their assets. It's also crucial for your technicians to keep an accurate record of the maintenance done for clients to ensure that a thorough check is done every time.

Good for customer productivity

If there's a fire and a customer's safety system isn't working, their assets may be destroyed or damaged. If this happens, there may be a loss of productivity, as their employees won't be able to work until the building has been cleared and equipment has been replaced. If you provide an excellent preventative maintenance service, you can reduce unnecessary downtime for your customers and guarantee customer loyalty and retention. 

Be prepared with a preventative maintenance plan

Keep your customers happy and make sure every fire safety system you maintain is in working condition all year round with a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan. The most effective way to implement a maintenance plan is with Preventative Maintenance Software. You can create and schedule recurring maintenance jobs and keep a record of asset maintenance to ensure every fire safety system you're responsible for is in working order. 

Eworks Manager
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