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Degumming Process And Deodorization Process Of Oils Using Double Scrubber Stripping Column

Degumming Process And Deodorization Process Of Oils Using Double Scrubber Stripping Column

What is continuous degumming of oils and fats?

continuous degumming of oils & Fats is one of the first steps in the process of refining oil, with the objective of removing the phospholipids/ gums from the crude vegetable oil.


Depending on the hydration level of the phospholipids, there are two categories present:-

●    Water degumming or hydratable:- in this method, a calculated amount of water is added to the oil, and the gums being hydrated become insoluble in the oil and get precipitated, they are then separated. The process of continuous degumming of oils & Fats requires a mixer for mixing oil and water.

●    Acid degumming or non-hydratable:- a content of phosphoric acid depending upon the amount of gums present is added for the removal of non-hydrating gums.


The importance of continuous degumming of oils & Fats is listed below:-

●    Improves the quality:- the removal of phosphatides from the oils can help in improving the quality

●    Avoids decomposition:- degumming helps in maintaining the thermal instability which prevents the oil from darkening. 

What is deodorization?

Deodorization is the process in which a certain amount of steam (stripping agent) is passed through hot oil at low pressure for a specific period of time. This process helps in the removal of various volatile components of the oil.

Deodorization Process Of Oils Using Double Scrubber Stripping Column

A scrubber is used for the combination of maximum condensation and recovery of fatty matter with the minimal amount of drop in pressure from the vapor phase. This phase is primarily partially condensed at a high temperature which results in the concentration of the least volatile components. In the case of physical refining, the use of a Double Scrubber Stripping Column in deodorizer system  becomes mandatory for obtaining a deodorizer distilled fraction that is rich in tocopherols/sterols.


The process of continuous degumming of oils and fats is necessary for the removal of phosphatides from the oils and it requires a mixer for mixing oil and water continuously. In the process of deodorizing, a distillate fraction rich in tocopherols/sterols is only possible to acquire with the use of a double scrubber stripping column in the deodorizer.


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