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Gaur World Street Provide Commercial Space in Affordable Price

Gaur World Street Provide Commercial Space in Affordable Price

Gaur World Smartstreet is a newly established project among Gaursons' top-notch commercial ventures, and it is gaining great popularity among consumers and business enthusiasts alike. This fantastic business complex is conveniently placed in Noida Extension and is easily accessible by road. Furthermore, the project Gaur World Smartstreet Greater Noida West is close to the FNG Expressway, NH-24, DND Flyover, and other major highways. Furthermore, the behemoth has provided excellent services in this project, including water supply, power backup, lighting, and cleanliness. Overall, you will undoubtedly discover numerous amenities at Gaursons' business building.

Gaur World Street Shop is an excellent project for individuals looking to create new offices, shops, or enterprises like as restaurants, picture studios, or food courts, Salons, retail stores, and so on. Furthermore, because this project provides equipped office spaces, you may open a new branch office. As a result, leasing luxury office spaces in this dream project is a smart option for corporate organizations to open new offices and branches. The spaces offered in this commercial project are likewise large, and they may be rented or purchased. As a result, entrepreneurs may develop their businesses in Noida Extension by renting affordable office spaces and retail outlets in this complex.

Customers will also be pleased to find high-speed lifts, vehicle parking, a firefighting system, an intercom, an ATM, a garden, water supply, power backup, equipped restrooms, and CCTV, Cameras, for example. Furthermore, every part of the shopping center will have a pleasant perfume and a cleansing effect. As a result, consumers will be glad to have a pleasant environment in which to enjoy their shopping on Gaur World Street.

Site Office: 702 Highway Tower 1st, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Phone :+91-8377997669

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