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What Are The Token Development Standards Available At Sellbitbuy?

Olivia Smith
What Are The Token Development Standards Available At Sellbitbuy?

Sellbitbuy develops cryptocurrency tokens for the renowned networks like Ethereum, Tron, Binance, etc. Our token development solutions are listed below.

  • Binance Smart Chain Token Development
  • Ethereum Token Development
  • Tron Token Development
  • Non-Fungible Token Development

Binance Smartchain Token Development 

  1. BEP-20
  2. BEP-721
  3. BEP-1155

Ethereum Token Development

  1. ERC-20
  2. ERC-223
  3. ERC-720/721
  4. ERC-777
  5. ERC-998
  6. ERC-1155

Tron Token Development

  1. TRC-10
  2. TRC-20
  3. TRC-721

Steps Involved In Token Development Process

The token development process involves a number of steps in building and designing the various crypto tokens. The token development series involves the following steps, 

Fixing Smart Contract

Crypto tokens are interfaced and are built to function based on a specified softwares called Smart Contracts. To improve the efficiency of asset transactions, the smart contracts are programmed with operation specifications. 

Choosing Token Type For Supply

To result in effective token supply management, it is very important to select the framework. 

Integrating Transferable attributes

After the selection of frameworks, above which the tokens will be efficiently operated, it is very mandatory to count the tokens that are to be transferred in a simple way.

Fixing Token Identity

Tokens that are developed will need to be set with identity, user-specified name, symbol and operational functionalities.

Token Out For Use

After fixing the token identity, the token will be available in the scryptocurrency's transfer window. The tokens will be listed in the transaction window and also will be available for the general cryptocurrency participants.

Why Choose Sellbitbuy For Token Development?

We Sellbitbuy, a leading token development company develops tokens and helps entrepreneurs to create a venture in the crypto industry. The tokens that we develop has specified functional parameters for the effective use of members at a pocket-friendly budget

Olivia Smith
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