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How does ultrasonic sensor help in Non-Destructive Testing?

PCTE Industrial

Ultrasonic testing is a way to test material, to know more details about its internal state and details like thickness. It is a non-destructive testing method which the material does not get damaged or chipped when testing. The equipment used for this testing is the ultrasonic sensor. This device sends high-frequency sound waves into the material under investigation, and as the wave travels back, the time travelled is measured and deduced to its condition.

How does ultrasonic sensor work?

It has a transducer to emit high-frequency sound waves into the material under test. The frequency is much higher than the normal hearing range and can go up to 5000 kHz. These sound waves travel through layers and act only when they experience a change in medium or a defect. Upon striking a varied surface, the waves travel back to the source, an ultrasonic sensor.

The sensor records the time travelled from the sensor, to the material and return to the sensor. It also notes any change in its frequency. Experts study and analyze these reports to understand if there is a flaw in the specimen. The premium quality, feature-rich

sensor also stores the records for future reference.

It is non-destructive

The ultrasonic sensor is a piece of equipment that falls under the category of non-destructive testing techniques. Unlike destructive methods, you wouldn't have to dig through the layers to measure the thickness. Moreover, there will not be any chipping of the topmost layer to identify the material or test its durability. You only have to place the sensor on the object to get the desired results. 

Perks of using the sensor

There are countless benefits of using the ultrasonic tester. Some of them are:

·      High penetration and sensitivity allow the deep detection and small flaw detection.

·      Can be used when only one side of the test material is accessible.

·      It provides reliable results to make remedial or repair decision.

·      Non-hazardous to surrounding personnel and operations.

In the end, it is fair to say that using an ultrasonic sensor is an ideal option for non-destructive testing. Invest in a premium-quality equipment from a reliable supplier to be sure about the genuineness and performance of the equipment.


About the author

PCTE Industrial is a specialist in the sale and hire of industrial non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment. PCTE INDT is a branch of PCTE, who has been serving in the NDT industry since 2008. We offer a range of INDT equipment that covers the bread and butter applications but also adds some exciting technology. Our range covers devices for Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Eddy Current (ET), Magnetic Particle (MT), Dye Penetrant (DT) and Visual Testing (VT).

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