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What You Need to Know About Testing in DevOps

Varun Bhagat
What You Need to Know About Testing in DevOps

DevOps has been hyped a lot in the past few years, but what exactly does it mean? And why are more businesses deploying this method of creating and running software applications? The definition of DevOps – which has also been referred to as continuous integration or continuous delivery – is the collaboration of software developers with quality assurance professionals and IT operations professionals to improve the process by which applications are delivered to the end user. While DevOps testing started out as a niche practice within the IT sector, it has become increasingly common among big businesses and start-ups alike in recent years.

How Does Traditional Testing Work?

Traditional testing is conducted after an application has been developed, whether by internal teams or third-party agencies. The developer creates a set of test cases based on how she thinks users will interact with her app, and then these cases are tested manually. This model is more flexible than automated testing but can be more time-consuming because it’s done after development.

How Does DevOps Testing Work?

DevOps is a process for getting products from developers into your users' hands as quickly as possible. As part of that process, testing is essential to prevent defects in production.

However, when companies do DevOps well, they don't put testing on a separate track. Instead, test engineers work together with their engineering counterparts from day one. That way, even if something isn't ready for release yet—or doesn't pass QA—it can be fixed before it goes live.

Business Benefits of DevOps Testing

The Purpose of testing in DevOps has expanded from simply checking if a feature works as expected. The real purpose is to ensure that a feature meets its business requirements and is aligned with other business priorities, like cost and timelines. Quality assurance tests help determine whether a development team is meeting these objectives or should be reworking some aspect of their work. This can mean making changes based on customer feedback or complying with compliance standards that must be met for a new product or service. It can also mean adjusting schedules and budgets. 

QA testing helps teams avoid mistakes early in development and make adjustments before they have far-reaching effects. And while it may not always seem so, testers are a crucial part of any successful project—not just because they catch bugs but because they provide valuable information about how to fix those bugs before developers need to go back and rework parts of their code.

3 Standard DevOps Testing Practices

1. Incremental Deployment 2. Automated Test Cases 3. Continuous Integration and Delivery

Top DevOps Testing Tools Used Worldwide

If you are searching for a good tool that offers great testing features, then you should consider using the Bitbar Testing Tool. This tool offers numerous benefits and is highly rated by customers. According to customers, it comes with great features and they like its simple user interface. Another popular tool used worldwide is TestPlant Load Automation Tool, which allows developers and testers to automate their test cases quickly without much hassle. It also includes collaboration tools that allow users to share information securely.


As you can see, software testing and DevOps are closely linked. By placing tests as close to development as possible, your business can save money and boost productivity by preventing bugs from making it into production. The closer you are to production when finding a bug, the less time it will take for that bug fix to roll out. Only by integrating quality assurance into every step of your application’s lifecycle will you be able to ensure your products perform with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. To adopt DevOps and avail its benefits, get in touch with a top devops services company.

Varun Bhagat
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