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Best Abroad Education Consultants in India

Global Focus
Best Abroad Education Consultants in India

Global Focus Education Pvt. Ltd. is the pioneer of abroad education consultants in India and has been one of the front-runners across the country in sending students to different reputable abroad universities. With its foundation dating back to 2011, it has helped more than 5000 students in enrolling in the best universities worldwide. With the sheer dedication and commitment that they do, their motto is, “Simplifying Global Education!” Started with a dedicated team of just 4 like minded people coming together to fill the void of a broad education, consulting, which started in a tiny office in Bhubaneswar, to devoted, ever-growing team in 10 branches that they have in Berhampur, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Their journey has been nothing less than a sensation. 

Global Focus
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