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How to Avoid Buying a Lemon Car?

Allen Stewart
How to Avoid Buying a Lemon Car?

When looking for an automobile at a used car dealer, the risk of stumbling on a dealership with a lemon car is quite high. For those who are not aware, a lemon is a type of car that can be new or used and has a substantial defect that the car seller is trying to hide from the customer.

That's what it means by a lemon car; therefore, you have to do your due diligence to find the right car for you. Here are three tips to avoid purchasing a lemon car and cars complaint in the future.

1. Check the Vehicle History Reports

Even though checking the vehicle history report and the VIN number is important before purchasing any automobile, you'd be surprised to know how often people tend to avoid this crucial step during the buying process. 

One important reason behind checking vehicle history reports and VIN number is that it helps avoid buying a lemon car in the first place. 

Since majority of the lemon cars have met with an accident or two or were made with a defect by the manufacturer, it is important to check the vehicle history report.

This report helps in gaining crucial information about the used car's history, such as salvage and insurance loss records, accident records, and title records of each state's DMV. 

One quick look at this document will help you understand where the car has been previously and if it has ever met with an accident. An unscrupulous dealer will always try to hide this vital piece of information from its customers. 

2. Read the Window Stickers

You may find a sticker attached to your car window when you are buying a car from a dealer. The importance of this sticker is that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires dealers to install these stickers on a used vehicle they are selling. You can file a car's complaint if you don't see such a sticker on the dealer's car. 

3. Pay Attention to the Finer Details

When you are conducting your daily inspection, don't just look under the car or under the hood. By all means, do check those areas, but you also need to pay close attention to the finer details of the vehicle. These finer details are both on the inside and outside of an automobile.

You need to ensure that you are looking out for things such as off-colored paint, mismatched parts, dents, chipped paint, broken lamp housings, chipped windows, etc.

In case you find any of these problems, it is an indication that you are looking at a vehicle that's either been in an accident or has undergone some sort of issue. 

On the inside, you'll want to see that the mileage makes sense. But how exactly do you do this? By looking at things like driving pedals, seats, seat belts, and any cracked dashboards or broken knobs. You can also refer to certain car problems websites to gain more knowledge about this topic. 


Lemon cars are a common problem in the US, but considering the above mentioned tips can help you avoid this issue. In case you fall into this problem, look for a Car Problems Website.

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about Carvana denied me please visit our website: allenstewart.com

Allen Stewart
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