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Global Complaint Management System Pro version using PHP and MySQL

Global Complaint Management System Pro version using PHP and MySQL

Complaint Management System (CMS Pro)

CMS PRO Version Package Includes :

  • Full Source Code of the project.
  • Project Report ( in doc and pdf format).

Project and Report are Downloadable immediately after payment made successful.

1.Admin Panel

1. Admin Login

Admin can log in through the login form.

2. Dashboard

In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total complaints, in-process complaints, and closed complaints. Admin can also view sub-admin complaints status.

3. Category

Admin can manage categories (Add, update, delete)

4. Sub Category

Admin can manage Subcategories (Add, update, delete)

5. State

Admin can manage states (Add, update, delete)

6. Sub-admin:

Admin can manage subadmins (Add, Update)

7. Manage Complaints

Access Complaint info, Change Complaint status, and also forwarded complaints to the subamdmins.

8. Manage the Users

Admin can manage all the Users Profiles. Take a print out of all profiles.

9. Reports

In this section, admin can generate two types of reports. One is b/w dates report and another is sub-admin report b/w dates reports.

10. User slog

Admin can also view user log info

11. Profile

Admin can update own profile

12. Change Password

Admin can own a password.

13. Forgot Password:

In this section, Admin can recover their own password.


Click here to free Access : https://products.phpgurukul.com/product/complaint-management-system-pro-version-using-php-and-mysql/

1. SubAdmin Login

Sub-Admin can log in through the login form.

2. Dashboard

In this section, Sub-admin can see all detail in brief like the total complaints, in-process complaints and closed complaints assign to him.

3. Manage Complaints

In this section, sub-admin can access the complaint details and change the status of the complaints

4. Profile:

In this section, sub-admin can update its own profile.

5. Change Password:

In this section, sub-admin can change own password.

6. Forgot Password:

In this section, sub-admin can recover own password.

3. User Panel

1. User Registration—- User can register through the user registration form

2. User Login– User can log in through the login form

3. Forgot Password—user can retrieve password through forgot password link

4. User Dashboard

5. User Profile—User can manage own profile

6. Lodge Complaint– User can Lodge his/her Complaint.

7. Complaint History- Users can view lodged complaints and status.

8. Change Password- User Can change own password

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