As many companies become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks, the Australian government is introducing new laws to protect critical infrastructure and the public. If successful, these new laws will allow government agencies to plug into networks and fend off major attacks. In October, Australia's public health service was hit by a ransomware attack. A ransomware attack is when a hacker uploads malware onto the computer of a victim in order to encrypt files and demand a certain amount of money to regain access to the system. The Australian government has accused China of involvement in the attack, but China denies the allegations.
According to the ACSC, more than 500 cases of ransomware will be reported in the 2020-21 financial year. The demands for the ransoms will range from thousands to millions of dollars. These attacks will have ramifications well into 2021. The ACSC is encouraging business owners to implement multi-factor authentication, which provides an extra layer of identity validation. The use of multi-factor authentication will help businesses protect themselves from these types of cybercrimes.
In the NT, an unidentified perpetrator targeted a supplier's web-based corporate software system, forcing it offline. In the South-East, a data-breaching mass email sent by the Health Department was also a major concern. It compromised personal information and data related to the health system's COVID-19 response to the Queensland drug scandal. A few months later, the NT Department of Corporate and Digital Development reported that the Health Department's COVID-19 Territory Check-In app was breached, releasing thousands of Territorians' email addresses.
The federal government has announced new specific offences for online criminals. These criminals will be held responsible for selling malware and targeting critical infrastructure. This legislation is not yet in place, so the Australian government is consulting and drafting the legislation. It is important to note that these new criminal laws are not yet fully implemented. If you're worried about cyber crime, take action today. You can protect your organisation by acting now.
The AFP's report lists the new cyber threats facing Australians. It also names the new cyber attacks that will continue to target critical infrastructure. In February, the AFP revealed that five million people's information was compromised. This made Australia vulnerable to future targeted attacks, including fraud and identity theft. The alleged hacker groups hacked their passwords to get into their companies' systems. While some of these attacks were not public, others affected people included hospitals and ambulances.
In Australia, the federal government has announced that cybercriminals will face new criminal offences in the coming years. This legislation aims to make it harder for criminals to steal sensitive information. This legislation will also target those who sell malware to companies and organizations. Currently, the government is working on drafting the legislation and consulting on this issue. So, cybercriminals are not afraid to take advantage of these new laws.
The AFP has said that it is unlikely that a single cyber attack will happen in Australia in the next decade. But, the threat of overseas hacking is real. It is estimated that 533 million people will be harmed by the attack. The number of breaches is likely to increase as the economy grows and new cybercriminals attempt to target more companies. The AFP report also points to the need for increased protection against cybercriminals.
The ACSC says 67,500 reports of cybercrime in Australia during the financial year 2020-21. This is one report every eight minutes. The ACSC also estimated that these attacks cost an estimated $33bn in total. The ACSC is recommending the implementation of cybercrime prevention laws to better protect Australian citizens. It is a must-read for anyone concerned with the security of the nation's information.
As the Australian economy grows, the threat of cybercrime will continue to grow. The costs associated with the attacks total 1.9% of the nation's GDP. Most Australian companies conduct their work and administration online, making them targets for cybercriminals. While a cybercriminal may not be aware of it, he could still find valuable information. Despite this, Australia has become a prime target for hackers. It has to act fast.
Also Read - Cyber attacks Australia 2021