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WDI Inspector San Antonio

Berry Inspection

WDI Inspector San Antonio

If you are buying or selling a house in San Antonio, you should first get the property inspected for WDI. You might not realize their presence but these insects can cause a great deal of harm to your properties. For home sellers, it is necessary to get their properties inspected for WDI as the home buyers. If you are seeking the services of an expert WDI Inspector San Antonio, give Berry Group Inspection a quick call.

What we look for:

Wood destroying insects, WDI include termites, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and powder post beetles. Their infestation can prove to be very expensive as you will need costly repair services. When you hire Berry Group Inspection for WDI inspection, our certified inspectors will provide you with a thorough and complete examination of your property. During the inspection, our WDI inspector looks for;

Improper grading causing moisture problems

Wood that is close to the soil

Downspouts and guttering that do not effectively route water around the home

Mud trails, discarded wings, exit holes

Once the inspection is completed, you are then provided with a detailed report of the examination according to which you can make a sound decision about your property. 

Ensure that your property is safe:

Many homeowners don’t realize until the catastrophic damage has already occurred. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on repair services, you should have your property inspected in the first place. WDI inspectors at Berry Group Inspection have both knowledge and experience to carry out precise and accurate WDI inspections of your property. When we provide you WDI Inspector San Antonio you can have peace of mind that the place you are about to acquire is safe.

Hire us now:

You can contact us now and schedule WDI inspection services provided by certified WDI inspector San Antonio.



Berry Inspection
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