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Guide to Buy Fire Pit Cover

Alex Riley
Guide to Buy Fire Pit Cover

Fire pit acts as a focal point for outer gathering, and if you want to invite your friends, the best way is to have drinks around the fire pit. It produces glorious views to add perfect lighting to your fancy landscape. Whether you have large or small backyard space, a fire pit could be a perfect addition.

You can use a fire pit throughout the year. Apart from providing heat in chilled winters, you can use it on a pleasant summer evening.

Today, fire pit options are not limited to typical structures for heating as people use them for aesthetic purposes. You can find concrete fire and water bowls with unique designs. Different types of fire pits are available in the market; some of them are mentioned below-


Different types of fire pits and bowls


The fire pits type may vary depending on the fuel type. The fire pit's structure, design, and material also vary as you explore different fuel-type fire pits.

1.      Wood fire pit 

A wood fire pit gives an authentic experience of a campfire. If you want to experience wood crackle and its smoke, you can buy a wood fire pit. However, maintaining wood stock in winters could be difficult, so buying a convertible wood fire pit is a better option. You can convert these fire pits to gas when you run out of wood. Various design wood fire pit contains poppy flowers or universal symbol. The design may also contain war conflict scenes; you can experience an amazing view on illuminating these fire pits.


2.      Propane fire pit

Propane fire pits are gas-operated; such fire pits have automatic ignition methods. These fire pits are easy to maintain and last longer. Along with its usability, this fire pit offers a great aesthetic material to add to your patio. For instance, the elementi Manchester fire pit has a glass ceiling and stones. The logs burning in the fire pit produce an amazing visual experience.


3.      Natural gas fire pit

A natural gas fire pit ensures that you get ample gas supply for an extra seating hour in your patio. You can convert a propane fire pit to natural gas fire pit. The natural gas fire pit comes in two versions. In one type, flames remain underground, and in another type, the flame remains at the surface.

Another important thing in a fire pit is its cover because it avoids debris and water collection. Safety is also a major concern if you have kids and pets at home. The curious kids can try experimenting with your fire pit, and your pet can throw anything in it.

Talking about fire pits' covers varies according to shape, size, and design. The below-mentioned guide can help you buy a suitable fire pit cover.


4.      Consider the dimension of your fire pit

Measurement can give a fair idea of how much big cover will suit your fire pit. Before measuring, you have to make sure that the fire pit is placed on an even surface. If you have a rectangle or square-shaped fire pit, you can measure height, width, and length. If your fire pit is round, you can measure the diameter. You can stick to conventional height, width, and length measurements for unconventional shapes like hexagon, octagon, etc.


5.      Material

After completing the measurement process, the next thing is searching about fire pit cover material. There are many factors to consider to ensure high-quality protective covering. Canvas fire pit covers are the most recommended due to their long-lasting feature. It is a UV protective and waterproof cover fit for use in any season. Canvas is a breathable fabric that prevents mold formation in the pit.


Key Takeaways

Buying a fire pit is an investment, and the covers can keep your investment safe. A cover can keep your fire pit safe from pets and children's activities; it also avoids birds making a nest in its space. The covers are available in different shapes to perfectly fit your fire pit design. Ideally, a cover must fit the pit like gloves so that no part of the fire pit is exposed to the environment. You can measure fire pit dimensions and consider fabric material before buying its cover.

Alex Riley
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