Do you know that those days are long gone when offline classes used to be fun and exciting for students? Nowadays, its online counterparts have replaced it for all good reasons. And do you know what the most excellent news is? Some research suggests that online learning is "pretty" beneficial for students because it indicates a sharp increase in their retention of information and takes less time to learn a particular topic or concept "compared" to the classroom formats. It means, if e-learning continues for a few more years, the chances are high most children will become great at subjects that they were not earlier. But have you ever wondered how all these changes are taking place? If not, we must tell you that in "offline" classes, there is no way to rewind what the teacher has taught. While in an online learning system, there are options to record the lectures and play them later to learn the instrumental concepts at an individual's pace. So, if you are looking for a solid e-learning system for your school or other institutes, the Ed-fi Education Solution is "exactly" what you need. "But, how?" you might ask. Well, the biggest reason for that is it comes with a whole host of mind-blowing features that you might not be "aware of." Do you want to know some? Then, let's look at:
Six Key elements of Ed-fi Education Solution that every school owner must be familiar with
So, now let's peek at various components of the Ed-fi Dashboard that you will find in Ed-fi Education Solution:
1. Discipline
Here, you will get deeper insights into the things happening in your district and how those problems are being resolved.
2. Attendance
As the name suggests, here you can check the "health" of your school.
3. Database ODS Health Check
In "case" you are not familiar with ODS, we must inform you that it stands for Operational Data Store. So, whenever you are "looking" for any possible inconsistencies in your data, all you need to do is "hit a click" to analyse that. Not just that, this system is so advanced that it also lets you know whether the given issues are major or minor overall.
4. Assignments
Using this feature, teachers can track the "assignments of students" and get a deeper view of the actual progress through the statistics. And that's not all! Why? Because now parents can also "take" a look at the assignment data as and when required.
5. Teachers
This option comes in handy, especially for educators to see all the information they need through a "simple and easy" visual display. However, to do "that," they need to log in first and then "they" can access the desired information.
6. School Info
Last but not least, you can have an SIS view of your ODS database, including the regular bell schedules or other possible conflicts. But do you know what does SIS mean here? If not, we must tell you SIS refers to Student Information System, i.e., a cloud-based platform in the Ed-fi Education Solution, helping schools and colleges to put up the essential data online for easier management and better clarity.
Now, let's come to the last topic, i.e.,
Is online learning effective for children?
For those pupils "who" have the right technology at their disposal, there is evidence that e-learning could be beneficial and more effective for them in several ways. "But, how?" you might want to know. "Well," according to some research, on average, learners retain 25-60% more information when learning through online mediums "compared" to only 8-10% through classroom models. And do you know why the results are so surprising? It's for the simple reason that "students" can learn "subjects" faster using online methods than offline ones. But, how?
"Well," the online learning systems allow pupils to invest 40 to 60% less time in grasping the chapters than in a traditional classroom setting. "Besides" that, there are some critical features in the e-learning systems that allow children to achieve the quick learning goals, including the options to grasp the vital concepts at their own pace by:
1. Rewinding the lectures
2. Re-reading the notes
3. Skipping the unimportant, and
4. Accelerating through instrumental concepts as and when required
So, now you know how getting an excellent Ed-fi Education Solution for your educational institution can work wonders for your teachers, students, and their parents? So, if you found the features of this product "useful" for your particular institute, making the desired purchase right away would be a wise decision.
Final Words
Hopefully, you learned many things through this knowledge-centric content, be it various features of the Ed-fi dashboard or whether e-learning is advantageous for young learners or not. So, if you liked browsing through this content and want to get the Ed-fi Education System now, we recommend getting into conversation with the most reputed e-learning software maker immediately.