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Custom boxes zone
Tissue Boxes

Tissues are the most used item in the whole world. Companies use the box of tissues to keep secure the quality of the tissue. Durable boxes not just keep your product secure but also provide you with immense benefits. Some benefits of using tissue boxes are listed below:

  • Retain the fragrance of the tissue in the box
  • Preserve the quality of the tissue and give a delicate feel
  • Premium quality eco-friendly boxes preserve your brand image and provide you with loyal customers
  • Custom tissue boxes provide you the opportunity to design your tissues with the party theme
  • Use these boxes for advertising with embossing brand logos or names on them. 

Numerous kinds of tissue are used in the market and their packaging is also varied accordingly. To achieve all the above-mentioned aims you need to be very careful in the selection and customizing of the tissue boxes. We will help you to design your Toilet Paper Box appealing so that you can grasp the attention of maximum customers and enhance your revenue.

Secure Your Tissue Quality with Sustainable Packaging:

Let’s start with the selection of the material because it’s the most crucial step in the packaging. Your selection of material decides whether you are going to make your packaging successful or it’s just a waste of money. All things, either it’s printing, size, or even the customer trust all depend on the packaging material. Premium quality material not just keeps secure the quality of your delicate and soft tissue but also preserves your brand image from the negative impression. 

Paperboard is the best biodegradable packaging material. This material is durable and reliable use to preserve the luxury feel, the quality, and the cologne of the tissues.

Tissue Boxes in Variety of Dimensions:

After picking the right material, the next important step is the selection of the style and size of the boxes. The dimension of the box has a great impact on the safety of the tissues and customers' minds. You can have small tissue box to a large tissue box but the selection should be accurate according to your product need. We are offering sturdy and quality tissue boxes in a variety of dimensions according to the capacity of the tissues. 

No matter what size and style you want, we will provide you with whatever you want. Get the Square Tissue Box with easy tear open flap to pick up the tissues easily and smoothly. 

Décor Your Tissue Boxes with Pleasant Printing Designs:

Just putting the tissues in simple cardboard boxes is not enough. Bring some charm in the boxes, so that you can attract more customers to your product. Besides business purposes, these tissue boxes are used in weddings and other events. You can print tissue boxes with the party theme and leave a lasting impression on your guests. You can use any color of your choice. We make your dream come true with the latest offset, and digital printing by using PMS/ CMYK color techniques. Make your office table top beautiful with appealing printed tissue boxes.

Customizing Tissue Boxes for Brand Promotion:

What you need more is if you have the opportunity to advertise your brand by spending a minimum amount. Emboss your brand logo on the box and let the people know which brand tissue they are using. To make your brand logo or name more prominent and attractive use gold/ silver foiling. We will help you to give a smooth and skin-friendly touch to your boxes with different coatings like matt, gloss, and aqua coating. You can also have a plastic lamination on the boxes and these all things will make it easy to take off tissues smoothly. 

Why Custom Boxes Zone:

The reason for choosing us is that the quality and features that you can find here are impossible to find anywhere else at such low rates. Enjoy our free offers which include:

  • Shipping
  • Design support
  • 3D mock sample
  • Printing quote

We are the most satisfactory and trusted name in the packaging world and providing our services for a long time. Once a client buys from us, it comes again to us. We provide complete freedom of choice to our clients and go with them sincerely to design their luxury boxes. We never let you regret your decision of choosing us. You will be happy and satisfied once your custom tissue boxes come into your hand.



Custom boxes zone
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