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Get up to 20% off on Delhi to Nainital Bus Service

24Bus India
Get up to 20% off on Delhi to Nainital Bus Service

There are many modes of transport available from Delhi to Nainital, the best option of which is by bus. Many travel agencies from Delhi run buses on this route, but some of them are only such agencies which are capable of providing good service. I am telling you about one such agency which is known to give the best service for this route. 24Bus India is the best travel company for Delhi to Nainital bus service. Their buses are very luxury and convenient. You can easily get seats for lying down and sitting inside the bus.

Now let us tell you about the bus fare and about other facilities. These buses drop you from Delhi to Nainital at fares ranging from Rs.700 to Rs.1000 on normal days. And as the number of passengers increases, the fare also increases a bit, which goes up to Rs 1500. Along with this, you also get some facilities in the bus. Which is like this, in the bus you get water bottle, chips, Wi Fi, pillow, bedsheet, blanket, etc.

If you are planning to go from Delhi to Nainital now, then 24Bus India is giving you a discount of up to 20%, this is a very good and golden opportunity that such a reputed company is offering you on Delhi to Nainital bus service. It helps you even after going to Nainital so that your travel is smooth and convenient.

Let us tell you that all the buses going from Delhi to Nainital leave you Haldwani or Kathgodam, it is the instruction of the Uttarakhand government that no tourist or long vehicle will go over the hill. For this, we provide our passengers with the facility of cabs or any small bus. By which you go to Nainital from Haldwani or Kathgodam.

24Bus India
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