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How Candidates Can Choose Which Jobs to Apply For Online

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How Candidates Can Choose Which Jobs to Apply For Online

Candidates update their resume and cover letter and start applying to all job openings they can see on their computer/mobile screen. However, while they repeatedly attach their resume and cover letter to emails sent to recruiters, they don’t give much thought before hitting the ‘’Send’’ button. That's where they need to stop and change their approach to applying to jobs.

If you’re a candidate, you may be entering the job market or wish to make a job switch. However, applying to every online job posting is not the best approach to follow. Rather, thorough research needs to be conducted at your end, and you must know how to choose the right job to apply for online. This will ensure that the time you invested in the job search actually gets you the right job.

We’ve listed some techniques to change your approach to choosing relevant job postings that you must apply for online.

  • Determine your interests and career goals

The most crucial things you must look at while deciding which job to apply for are your interests and career goals. For example, if reading and writing are your interests, you may choose copywriting as your profession. You will also have to determine your overall career goals. Taking an example of career goals, if you wish to advance in your career as a business development executive, you may switch jobs and choose a job where you may have a job title as the sales manager.

  • Take a look at the compensation offered and your expectation

Compensation is one of the most motivating factors for candidates who wish to work in a job. While some job offers may seem exciting, their compensation must ideally match your expectations. There is a certain salary that people in your role may receive, which you can know by searching for the average salary online or communicating with people in your industry. Moreover, you can check the compensation mentioned in the job opening to know if the company’s compensation range meets your expectations.

  • Read company perks or benefits carefully

Before you decide on the job opening you wish to apply for, ensure you thoroughly read about the perks or other benefits you will receive. For example, paid time off, health insurance, conveyance fee, etc., flexibility to work remotely, etc., are examples of perks/benefits.

  • Ensure you meet all or most of the qualifying criteria

There will always be a different level of skills, experience, and qualifications for each job that you view online. ISo, while applying, don’t just keep hitting the ‘’Send button.’’ Instead, ensure you meet all, or most, of the qualifying criteria mentioned in the job description. By doing this, you’ll be able to move closer to getting selected for the job opening.

  • Determine the lifestyle you want

While some jobs are highly demanding, other jobs are comparatively less demanding. For example, someone employed in the army will have a demanding job, whereas someone employed in the corporate sector will experience relatively low pressure. Consider your definition of work-life balance and whether the job will allow you to spend time on your personal hobbies or interests.

  • Analyze what job satisfaction means for you

People have varying motivators that encourage them to work every day. Hence, take a moment to analyze what job satisfaction means for you. For some people, job satisfaction may mean feeling that they are making a difference in society and may opt for a job in the social sector. However, other people may wish to improve the quality of others’ lives and choose to become a doctor as their profession.

  • Consider what ideal company culture means to you

Each company has a different way of working, which eventually becomes a part of the company’s culture. The processes, the fun activities/outings, and how open the company is to providing feedback and taking suggestions from employees determine the company’s culture. If you think about how to choose the right career, it is built upon the unique company culture and experiences. Hence, before you apply for a job posting, you may look at the company’s website and study their social media accounts to get a glimpse of their culture. 

  • Consider location proximity 

Determine if you are willing to travel to the office of the job location daily. This is especially true if there are multiple companies you are considering while looking for a job, as living close to the job location can allow time for other activities. In addition, if you have time for non-work-related activities, it can help ensure that you maintain a proper work-life balance.


With the knowledge of the above parameters, you can ensure that you know how to choose the job listings, and how to eventually choose the best career path for yourself through securing these jobs.

TALOP is a recruitment agency in New Delhi helping firms recruit and hire the best candidates for open job vacancies. If you wish to know more about the services offered by TALOP, click on this link.

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