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How to Develop a Medical Staff Scheduling System

Nataly Palienko
How to Develop a Medical Staff Scheduling System

Optimally distributing your staff’s work time is an important factor for your clinic’s success. But the problem is that you’re probably spending more hours optimizing your schedules than you care to admit. Indeed, medical staff scheduling is time-consuming and chaotic. Managing piles of calendars, spreadsheets, timetables, and time off requests, assigning employees to shifts at one or multiple locations, and keeping up with constantly changing schedules all take a big bite out of an administrator’s time and cause headaches. 

Employee scheduling shouldn’t be that complicated. And there is a way out! — medical staff scheduling software. Scheduling software allows clinics to reduce the time spent creating work schedules, cuts costs on overtime shifts, and offers care providers a seamless experience.

Medical Staff Scheduling System


Employee scheduling softwareis a big step for your clinic. Should you go with an off-the-shelf solution orcreate a scheduling appfrom scratch? What features are important inhospital scheduling software?And what benefits does this type of technology bring to your healthcare business? These are the most crucial questions to answer before you start to use a scheduling system. We’re here to help you answer them. But before we go deep into must-have features and the off-the-shelf solutions versus custom development debate, we’ll take a moment to understand whathealthcare staff schedulingissues managers regularly encounter.

Common employee scheduling problems in healthcare

Research into shift scheduling challenges by TSheets shows that more than half of employees spend at least two hours each week building the shift schedule. Meanwhile, 8% of employees say they spend four hours on this each week and 9% spend five hours. Some employees say they’ve spent up to 12 hours a week designing schedules. Why is scheduling so time-consuming? Health services managers are spending a lot of time building schedules because they face quite a lot of staffing challenges. Let’s get a bigger picture of what some of these challenges are.

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Nataly Palienko
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