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Binance Smart Chain - A successful successor of Binance Chain

Binance Smart Chain - A successful successor of Binance Chain

The history behind Binance Smart Chain 

Binance Chain was the first blockchain Binance, and its native currency is BNB. The Binance chain was designed for instant trading, but it was considered less flexible than other blockchains. To rectify the defects of the Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain was intended.

Binance Smart Chain - Explained 

Binance Smart Chain, otherwise known as BSC, is a blockchain created by the most popular crypto exchange Binance. Regarded as a well-developed successor to Binance Chain, BSC has proven its capacity to users by clearing all shortcomings seen in Binance Chain. 

Some consider BSC a suitable competitor to Ethereum, one of the famous blockchains. Since the network is compatible with EVM, aka Ethereum Virtual Machine, it has become much easier for developers who know well about Ethereum to launch their applications on Binance Smart Chain.  

Binance Smart Chain can be defined as a blockchain that runs parallel to its predecessor Binance Chain. Binance Smart Chain boasts smart contracts functionality and is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Proof-of-Stake Algorithm on BSC

The PoS algorithm present on BSC enables the users to stake their native currency to become validators in the network. They receive fees from the web for every successful declaration of a valid block. 

BSC supports Cross-chain compatibility 

BSC also provides cross-chain compatibility where the users take part in data transfer between BSC and Binance chain. 

Advantages of Binance Smart Chain Development

  • Binance Smart Chain offers high-speed transactions
  • Considered as a credible platform by many crypto experts
  • BNB Staking 
  • Low transaction fees 
  • Cross-chain asset transfer is possible 
  • Interoperability with Binance Chain
  • Swaps between BEP-2 and BEP-8 tokens for BEP-20 tokens 


Cryptocurrency Exchange Script is a top company suitable for developing BSC-based Decentralized Finance applications. Binance Smart Chain has all the essential features required for developing decentralized apps that assure good performance

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