Before buying coffee machine equipment, it's helpful to know the basics. The plunger is a component of a conventional espresso maker. It consists of a glass pot with a metal mesh screen on one end and a handle on the other. The lid has a hole in the middle, allowing the plunger to move freely. To brew your cup of coffee, add ground coffee and hot water to the pot. Once the water boils, allow the coffee to steep for four minutes. When it's done, remove the plunger and brew a new cup.
Synesso KB90
The Synesso KB90 is considered the 'Ultimate Workflow Machine'. Its features focus on sensible ergonomics and on-bar efficiency. This machine has auto-flushing filtration groups, ambidextrous steam wand actuators, and a low-profile design. It also features six volumetric programs and individual boiler temperatures. It's a top choice for busy, quality-focused cafes.
Synesso MVP
The Synesso MVP is an extremely popular espresso machine. Its high-quality design and ergonomics make it ideal for busy cafés and restaurants. It offers many features, including a digital touch screen and multiple-user options. The MVP has a programmable volumetric feature and dual boilers for optimal brewing. This espresso machine can brew up to 12 cups of espresso in one go. The S Series is a high-volume option for busy, quality-conscious cafes.
For quality, Synesso has several models to choose from. Its S-Series is the most affordable offering from the company. The S Series' ambidextrous steam wand actuators and programmable volumetrics make it a convenient option for busy cafes. Its features and ease of use make it an easy choice for high-volume cafes. Its programmable system offers the highest quality and consistency.
S Series
The S Series is a low-profile espresso machine. The S Series has a lower profile body and a programmable volumetric. The S-Series also uses the S Series' robust platform to provide a level of customization and control. The S-Series can save up to six volumetric programs per group. Each boiler can be adjusted independently to ensure the desired coffee. If you are looking for a multi-boiler espresso machine, the S-Series is a great choice.
The S Series is the most affordable option from Synesso. Its programmable features include cool-touch wands and ambidextrous steam wand actuators. Its high-quality design is a good choice for busy, quality-focused cafes. With the S-Series, you'll be able to customize every aspect of the espresso machine to suit your needs. This is an excellent option for those who want a high-quality espresso.
Slayer series
The Slayer series is a highly regarded espresso machine from Nuova Simonelli. It is known for its style and low-profile design. Its sleek design has made it a popular option for third-wave cafes. The Slayer has been one of the most popular machines in the world for years and is a popular option in coffee shops. The Appia Life continues this tradition with a volumetric version. However, if you want to save money and space, you should consider purchasing an ILSA model.