Whether we are working with couples, with families, or children, it is the relationship that requires the work, either with others or with self’.
The human condition, namely navigating with our heart and mind can be challenging. Even more challenging than the individual human condition, can be our loving relationships. If you want to know more about this, Click here
Most couples wait an average of 6 years of being in an unhappy union before getting professional help, according to relationship expert Dr. John Gottman.The question is: Why do people live in misery for so long?
It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”Sometimes, couples can resolve small issues themselves.
However, if you are living in unhappiness for years, the delay in seeking marriage counselling is only compounding problems.
Small problems turn into big, messy problems that can be difficult and sometimes impossible to untangle.So why do couples wait an average of 6 years before going to marriage counselling?
A marriage counsellor has resources and tools to help partners resolve issues at the seed level.
Societal Stigma.Some couples fear judgment about going to therapy.