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Buying Strollers for Babies

Sharon Willis
Buying Strollers for Babies

Buying a stroller for babies can be a daunting task. There are a ton of options out there, so how do you know which one is right for your family? The first thing to consider is the age of your child. Some strollers are suitable for younger babies and toddlers, but some are not suitable for newborns. This article focuses on choosing strollers for newborns and young babies rather than older children.

There are many different types of strollers available for babies, and each one has its own benefits. Some strollers are lightweight, while others have a built-in bassinet and car seat. The type of stroller you purchase will depend on your baby's age and weight, so you might need a reversible model or one that can be adjusted as your child grows. Despite the wide selection, most models offer a one-hand fold option. These types of strollers are great for travelling and are usually lightweight.

Stroller features

Some strollers have multiple features, which you may want to consider if you're planning to use the stroller for long periods of time. You can try out different configurations before you purchase one by looking in store rather than online. It's also important to try out different models before you buy one because there is nothing more annoying than ordering your stroller only to find you need to send it back as it’s not right. 

The best thing to do is research carefully and read reviews before choosing a pram, this way, you can make sure that it meets the needs of your baby and your family. Depending on your needs, you may want to choose a compact, lightweight option, something traditional and grand, or something with maximum convenience such as a convertible pushchair and car seat combo. 

The handlebar on some strollers can be adjusted for different heights and many parents consider this to be a vital feature. A padded handlebar allows you to adjust the handlebar to fit the size of your shoulders and arms and hold it comfortably without straining your hands and wrists. You can usually adjust the handlebar with a button on the side or a similar mechanism. 

You'll want to consider the price when shopping for strollers for babies. As with most things, you will find there are prams in the low, middle and high budget brackets, so you should think about this in advance so you don’t end up overspending. The price should also factor in the size and style of the pushchair. If you're a city dweller, an umbrella-style pushchair such as a Bugaboo stroller will be the most suitable option. This type of stroller is easily manoeuvrable, lightweight, and doesn't take up too much space.

Safety and comfort

The safety of your baby is a top priority when shopping for a stroller. It should be able to withstand rough terrain and be comfortable for both you and your baby. A bassinet converter might not be the most practical option, though they are known as being a classic style. You might be better off choosing one that converts from a lay-down style to a seated style with extra storage compartments, then when you're done with shopping or running errands, you can fold the stroller for easy storage.

Another feature of an umbrella stroller is its capacity to hold several children. Its maximum payload capacity is 55 pounds and some have multiple seats, which means it's the perfect option for parents on the go who have more than one child. Many can be easily adapted into car seats, and can even be used as a travel system. Aside from this, you won’t need to purchase an additional seat for your little one as they are an all in one solution. 

Depending on your budget, you can get a stroller that has multiple features such as a sun canopy. A good stroller for babies should be durable, safe, and provide your baby with a fun, comfortable time. For example, a good stroller should have a reclining or swivelling seat so your baby can face you when they're asleep. A reversible seat is also more comfortable for your baby.

While you can choose a stroller for newborns that can accommodate a baby from day one, it is recommended that you consider the age of your child when shopping for a stroller. While some strollers for newborns can be used by slightly older kids, most are better suited to infants with little head and neck control. Depending on the age of your child, some strollers may require a car seat attachment, while others will offer extra features for older babies.


Sharon Willis
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