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Chartered Professional Engineer New Zealand Eligibility Criteria

Chartered Professional Engineer New Zealand Eligibility Criteria

Do you want to take your engineering career to the next level and get the actual worth of your engineering capability? You should apply for a Chartered Professional Engineer assessment in New Zealand.

Here, in this blog, we will familiarize you with the requirements to become a chartered Professional Engineer NZ. So, read the whole blog to familiarize yourself with the requirements and eligibility criteria for Chartership.

CPEng New Zealand:

A Chartered Professional Engineer is an experienced professional in the engineering field. To attain the Chartered status, you need to be registered by Engineering New Zealand.

Like the Chartered member class, you have to go through an assessment to show that you can cope with complicated engineering problems, requiring expert knowledge. The difference lies in the fact that a CPEng has to show New Zealand specific technical experience and be evaluated again at least every 6 years. The CPEng assessment means that you fulfill a global standard, which allows you to work overseas without any problem.  

Registration and membership are not the same, both are separate things. You can become a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand and a Chartered Professional Engineer by means of the same assessment.

As an Engineering New Zealand member, you can show your credibility and professionalism. It is proof that you are a part of a wider professional community advancing technical knowledge, maintaining criteria and raising the bar.

It is typically seen that a Chartered Professional Engineer chooses to be a member of Engineering New Zealand, which means that they can get access to member resources and be helped throughout their career.


Eligibility criteria:

You must fulfill the following criteria to be a Chartered Professional engineer:


You must possess a Washington Accord-accredited qualification (Bachelor of Engineering, Honours) or sow equivalent knowledge.

You have to be evaluated at least every 6 years for the maintenance of your CPEng registration.

You need to commit to the CPEng Code fo Ethical Conduct.

You need to go through an assessment, demonstrating that you fulfill the competency standards.


Before the submission of your application, you will be required to submit your draft application to a member of the assessment team for checking purposes. It is a necessary step because it will provide you with the feedback on the ways that will help you improve the quality of the application, which will increase the chances of your being successful.

On the submission of the application by you online, an expert panel will do the following:

The panel will evaluate your application against global competency criteria. 

They will fix a meeting with you.

The expert team may ask you for more information.

They will receive feedback from your referees.

The panel will write a report with recommendations to the Chartered Professional Engineers Council (CPEC).  

How to apply to become a Chartered professional Engineer:

To be a Chartered Professional Engineer, you can apply by means of the member area online. Engineering New Zealand members will already have access. In case of not being an Engineering New Zealand member, just sign up to access the online area and then your goal. You will then be recommended the next step to achieve your Chartership target. 

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