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What Is The Role Of Modafinil In Treating Narcolepsy Symptoms?

What Is The Role Of Modafinil In Treating Narcolepsy Symptoms?

Modafinil is a unique wake-promoting agent. While the mechanism behind its the action is not fully understood however, it does not appear to result in any changes to the levels of dopamine or norepinephrine. Modafinil does not appear to affect the quality of sleep or slow down the speed of eye movements, unlike other medications. Headache is the most common adverse effect. Its safety in children is not yet established.

A meta-analysis of 9 random controlled trials, involving 1054 patients, showed modafinil to be significantly more beneficial for patients with narcolepsy than placebo when it comes to decreasing excessive sleepiness during the day (EDS), sleep attacks and duration of somnolence over the course of a day. Modafinil did not decrease the frequency of cataplexy attacks in patients suffering from narcoleptics. However it did enhance the quality of their lives.  http://modaclear.com/

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