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Rehab Centre In Delhi

Anatta Recovery
Rehab Centre In Delhi

Anatta Recovery, one of the best rehabilitation centres in Delhi, Anatta’s journey begins with a combined supervision of a maverick psychiatrist Dr Rajiv Jerajani and Mr. Mahesh Hiranandani in the year 2004. They joined hands to start a revolutionary and unorthodox system for those people who have fallen in the vicious trap of drug and abuse addiction. This treatment is a non-medical initiative which aims at the eradication of addiction caused by drugs and alcohol.

Today after 15 years of par excellence, Anatta team has an optimum experience of over 100 years in the field of facilitating the individuals and their families to walk towards life more freely and independently. Mr. Mahesh Hiranandani who has been a catalyst in the recovery of various individuals, Dr. Rajiv Jerajani who has been the founding member and mentor in the field of addiction treatment for more than 40 years, Vandana Hiranandani who has empowered many families get normal life back on track, Dr. Sujatha Nair, physician, counsellor and a yoga therapist. Dr Shashi Menon having more than 30 years of expertise in the field of addiction at numerous platforms internationally with the UNODC and nationally with Indian government.

Anatta’s destination therapy is catering those clients who do not wish to be treated in their own country. Our destination treatment is helping and supporting the patients from USA, India, Spain and Mauritius.

Destination treatment program is being oriented towards individual client process, providing 24×7 face to face counselling, accepting clients who come only of their own volition for a non-medical, completely confidential, tailor-made treatment facilitated in a luxurious and compassionate ambience around the world. We do not compromise on our client’s identity so that his/her identity remains confidential.


Anatta Recovery
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