Investment casting is a method of metal forming that uses a process based on the oldest metal-forming technique, lost-wax casting. The term "lost-wax" is sometimes used to describe modern investment casting processes. This industrial process produces cast-in-situ products with a high degree of precision and consistency. However, unlike traditional lost-wax techniques, modern investment casting techniques are not based on wax.
The process starts with molten metal that is poured into a mold cavity. The metal is allowed to cool and solidify before it is poured into the mold cavity. The investment is removed from the mold when it is cool. Once cooled, the piece is ready to be used. The high-quality parts produced by this process are usually free of cracks or dings and require no machining. Hence, these parts can be used for a wide range of applications.
To produce cast-in-situ parts, investment casting companies use a mold cavity. The molten metal is poured into the mold while it is still hot. Once it cools, the part is removed from the mold and is ready for further use. The tolerances of investment casting are such that the process does not require further machining. This is a great advantage compared to other methods. When a company has more than one facility, it can receive the 3D model digitally, print it in the local facility, and ship it to the other facility.
Investment casting reduces production costs and tooling costs. The process requires very little machining or finishing, making it a cost-effective and highly reliable method of production. Besides being eco-friendly, investment casting requires minimal energy and is reliable. It is a cost-effective process that is also scalable for smaller businesses. You can produce modest volumes of casted components in as little as 24 hours. If you're in the market for small-scale components, investment casting may be the perfect solution for you.
During the process of investment casting, a pattern is immersed in a slurry containing a fine refractory material. The slurry is then drained to create a uniform layer of investment material on the pattern. This type of casting process results in an investment that has a smooth surface. Once the casting is complete, it is ready for production. It is also possible for a smaller investment to be used for manufacturing larger-scale products.
The process of investment casting involves a number of steps. The first step is pattern wax removal. Improper de-waxing can reduce the yield of the batch. Another important step is de-waxing. The wrong de-waxing process can cause shell cracking, which is the most common defect in investing casting. The two main methods of de-waxing are flash fire and steam autoclave. In general, the latter method is preferred, because it reduces stress on the material and allows for more uniform heating.