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5 Tips for hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

Joseph Franks
5 Tips for hiring an Estate Planning Attorney

If you have decided to invest some time and money in estate planning, it shows your concern for your loved ones, as well as your own future. Modern estate planning is versatile, which means you have access to an estate plan that is tailored to your unique goals and needs. Estate planning guarantees financial security for your family and helps you prepare for difficult times. Death, illness, and incapacity cannot be predicted, which is why you should make arrangements while you are mentally and physically sound. If your estate is relatively large and you belong to a blended family, estate planning becomes all the more necessary.

Estate planning can seem utterly confusing and complicated if you try to do it on your own. You need to work with a legal expert to get it right and prevent costly mistakes. Estate Planning Attorney in Charlotte, NC, can help you create a comprehensive estate plan that is legally recognized and enforceable. Keep the following tips in mind when you go attorney shopping because the fate of your legacy is in your hands:

1. Do not settle for the closest Firm

It makes sense to work with a local attorney that is easily accessible, though do not plan on hiring the first attorney you run into. Geographically limiting your search is fine as long as you are considering firms around the city or state, rather than confining yourself to the neighborhood. Look up a variety of firms online within a manageable radius, shortlist, and when visit a few at least. This will allow room for comparison and give you a better idea of what you are looking for.

2. Prioritize Experience and Credibility

It is necessary to get an insight into the practices of a law firm before you decide to hire them. Take a look at their portfolio and customer reviews before you judge. Many people think that affordability is all that matters, but it would be waste of money you choose someone who is not qualified for the task. Make sure that estate planning is where your attorney’s expertise lies. Hiring just any lawyer who is licensed to practice in your area won’t do.

3. Don’t trust Commercials

Law firms and individual attorneys that have made a name for themselves in the market do not need to attract clients with cheesy commercials. If a lawyer is excellent at their job, their reputation will speak volumes for itself. Catchy slogans and taglines are an overused marketing strategy, so do not let them cloud your judgment. The promotions or special facilities advertised are usually just regular services you can expect from any law firm.

4. Rely on Referrals

If you know people who deal or invest in real estate, you may ask them to recommend an attorney. Accountants or any person who has worked as a financial advisor is likely to know someone who can be useful. Depending on referrals can help you avoid taking bait of scam agencies or and fraudsters in the industry.

5. Ask about Publications

The most knowledgeable and experienced attorneys are known for their publications, so that’s another aspect to keep in mind during your hunt for the right person or firm. When you go in for consultation, do not shy away from asking about papers, articles, or books they have published in the course of their career. The best ones in the business will be flattered and the rest can be filtered out.

Joseph Franks
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