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The 42-one of the tallest building.

Nisha Bisht
The 42-one of the tallest building.

 The 42 is a 62 storey residential skyscraper in Kolkata city of West Bengal in India. The project is located in Chowringhee, the central business district of the city. It is currently the tallest building in the entire East India.

All apartments are designed by vaastu principles and flexibility in planning has been created by moving the columns to the periphery.

It has an independent parking structure with the club and large swimming pool on top is connected to the tower structure above the grand entrance lobby and foyer with a steel bridge.

All windows and glass openings have green-tinted toughened glass with double glazing (DGU) thereby making each apartment soundproof and tamper-proof.

The 42 is an architectural excellence. It has many architecture features which you would like to know. Read the article.

Nisha Bisht
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