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Intelligent Glass Façades for Sustainable Buildings

Nisha Bisht
Intelligent Glass Façades for Sustainable Buildings

You must have heard word 'Sustainable' a lot in architectural circle. With climate change trending all social media, an increasing world population, resulting in limited resources being shared by a larger consumption pool and energy generation, increasing at a faster rate than its replenishment, so it is directly or indirectly responsibility of everyone including developers and architects , both logically and morally, to ensure that the carbon footprint from their construction is either ideally zero or as close to this magic number as possible.

How to make buildings sustainable?? This is the question popping in your mind. Well it can be ensured at very start of designing building. How? By choosing the material used in construction of building which ensure sustainability.

Of course, its design and layout are the foundational philosophy which dictates its sustainable intent, but without the right choice of material, even the best design will yield little or no results Hence it becomes imperative that architects and consultants work with material suppliers at the very concept design stage to find the most optimum material fit.

One such material is GLASS. It is important to note however that not all intelligent glass can create truly sustainable buildings. Glass, as with other building elements are simply tools at the disposal of designers to help them create façades that not only aesthetically conform to their design intent but are also functionally effective. And in more instances than not, glass needs to be combined with other elements such as external shading elements to be able to perform at their peak level.

That's just a brief knowledge if you want to know more about ir and various types of glass that are used to ensure sustainability, read the article.

Nisha Bisht
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