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LED Parking Lot Lights Solutions

Tetrus LED
LED Parking Lot Lights Solutions

A smart parking lot lighting system generates curb appeal and consolidates brand identity. In addition, quality pole lights ensure the safety of your patrons and employees, and the security of vehicles.

However, conventional lighting comes with poor light performance and tremendous power and maintenance costs.

The conversion to LED parking lot lights can help you reduce energy costs, minimize maintenance costs, and improve lighting performance. As a result, you will boost your business’ financial performance and increase the overall lighting experience of your patrons.

The Value of LED Outdoor Lights & Fixtures

Failing to ensure enough well-placed parking lot lights could result in injuries, vehicle damage, or even property damage. Subsequently, it might trigger complaints and lawsuits against your business and have a harmful impact on your reputation and finances. Additionally, poor lights minimize curb appeal and fail to inspire safety and security. Thus, poor lighting will eventually lead to loss of customers and inherent financial hardships.

Existing parking lot lights entail massive energy consumption, frequent maintenance costs, and sub-par lighting performance. Typically, legacy pole lights are either HID lamps, such as metal halide, high pressure sodium, or mercury vapor lamps.

Why Choose Tetrus LED Lights & Fixtures?

Specifically, customers are drawn to businesses whose parking lots inspire safety, security, cleanliness, and transparency. Moreover, they prefer locations that are visually appealing. As a result, commercial LED parking lot lighting can transform your dull, dimly-lit parking lot into your area’s attraction.

An LED parking lot completely changes the face of a business, be it a car dealership, shopping center, gas station, etc. Better lumen output, longer lifespan, eco-friendliness, a higher CRI, are just some of the features of LED pole light. In short, they bring long-term energy savings and low maintenance costs.

Tetrus LED
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