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Hands On Like A Barista With Breville BES920XL

Hands On Like A Barista With Breville BES920XL

Do You Love Making Coffee Like A Barista ?

I always enjoy making the perfect cup of coffee for my guests when entertaining. Espresso perfection requires precision temperature and pressure control that is delivered consistently every time. And Breville BES920XL Dual Boiler Espresso Machine allows me to entertain with its analog and digital controls.

At the heart of this machine is its dual stainless steel boiler heating system. The espresso boiler, for the espresso shot, is PID temperature controlled. A separate steam boiler offers instant and powerful steam on demand.

I can extract the shot at the right temperature and deliver optimal flavor. Simultaneously, my milk is steamed to cafe quality. What’s more, the Breville entire coffee system helps to maintain a consistent temperature.

The Dual Boiler also features an Over Pressure Valve (OPV) which limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction, preventing bitter flavors in the shot. It also offers a true low pressure pre-infusion, which gradually increases the pressure to gently expand the grinds for an even extraction.

But there’s much more to this machine for the coffee geek. Brew temperature and pre-infusion pressure and duration are all programmable.

With carefully chosen freshly ground beans and enough practice, I am proud that my guests can't really tell the difference between the coffee quality of their fave cafe and mine.

And that's after a "never gonna give up" 1,000 hours of practice. Call me "Mr. Determined" !

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