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Order the Certified Coretec Waterproof Flooring

Order the Certified Coretec Waterproof Flooring

Wondering if Coretec Flooring - Plus and Pro floors are good for pets? They've got your back. The best flooring in this category is actually dog-friendly: made from scratch-resistant materials, it will keep paw prints at bay while also preventing stains caused by canines accidentally chewing on furniture or scratching walls when playing around the house!

A more affordable option would be something like vinyl which can sometimes even have an attractive appearance depending upon how much time you spend decorating with colors - just make sure they don’t bother taxing items worth less than $500 because trespass laws apply here stateside.

What's the best flooring for dogs? COREtec floors! Yes, they're better than real wood or even some types of carpet. The scratch resistance makes this work - something impossible with soft surfaces like hemp mats which can easily get scratched by your pup when he plays around his home environment (and you don't want him sliding across tile too quickly).

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