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Top Home Remedies For Diabetes

Sameer Agrawal
Top Home Remedies For Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal. It can thus be managed if the food you eat aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

Before we explore how ‌to cure diabetes at home, we need to understand what we eat.

Some food items quickly elevate blood sugar levels. While certain foods are known to release glucose slowly, others are not. These are foods with a low glycemic index. You should focus on low glycemic index food items. Thus, a balanced diet of low and high glycemic index natural foods can aid in sugar control.

Best Home Remedies for Diabetes

Best Natural Products to Control Blood Glucose Levels


Jamun seeds include medicinal components such as jamboline and jambosine, which are potent in nature and can help with faster healing. These phytochemicals aid in the delaying of sugar release and the stimulation of insulin synthesis, both of which are critical for diabetes management. 

Jamun seeds, on the other hand, are high in fibre and can help the digestive system. This helps in enhancing immunity and preventing diabetes risks and adverse effects.

Amla Juice

According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, there is a link between vitamin C levels and diabetes.

Amla contains chromium, a mineral that helps control carbohydrate metabolism and makes the body more receptive to insulin, lowering blood sugar levels.

The inclusion of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, is credited with Amla's advantages.  You can also consume amla juice instead of eating it.


Commonly known as Bhindi, Okra is known to be beneficial for people with diabetes. It is an amazing source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. By reducing sugar absorption from the intestines, the green peel and seeds of the plant aid to reduce blood sugar levels. As a result, it aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels.

Potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and calcium are all found in okra. It has high dietary fibre content and is low in calories.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It helps to lower blood glucose levels. Vinegar's acetic acid appears to inhibit enzymes that aid in the digestion of starch, resulting in a lower blood sugar response after eating starchy foods like pasta or bread. To treat diabetes, it's critical to keep your system alkaline, and apple cider vinegar, like all citrus fruits, boosts alkalinity in the body, which is excellent for diabetics. Add a dash of apple cider vinegar to salads, marinades, vinaigrettes, and sauces to include in your meals.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaf includes antioxidants such as ascorbic, beta-carotene, and carbazole alkaloids, which are thought to protect against a variety of diseases caused by free radical oxidation, the most common of which is type 2 diabetes. Curry leaf increases insulin action, and when the body is able to correctly use insulin, blood sugar levels are stabilised.

To Sum Up

For some people, leading a diabetes-friendly lifestyle is enough to keep their blood sugar levels under control. If you're overweight, this includes decreasing weight, eating healthier meals, and getting more exercise. However, most persons with type 2 diabetes require one or more medications or insulin injections.

Along with these home remedies, ensure to follow the below-mentioned points:

  • Consume a variety of foods. Carbohydrates elevate blood sugar more quickly and effectively than any other nutrient. Protein, fat, and fibre-rich diets will lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Control your carbohydrate intake.
  • Monitor your blood glucose regularly.
  • Ask your doctor to suggest the proper diet.
  • Ensure to get your A1c checked every three months.

Sameer Agrawal
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