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Top Winter Skincare tips for Men and Women

Top Winter Skincare tips for Men and Women

Post: Skin dryness is one of the most common phenomena faced by men and women during the cold months. The dip in temperature and other environmental factors have a direct effect on the skin. With proper care and consistency flaunting radiant skin during winters isn’t a distant dream. Well, to get the best of holiday season indulging on a winter skincare regime is the key!

If you are someone who keeps a tab on the beauty market. You should be aware how the market has seen drastic changes in the recent years with men’s grooming products. Apart from the multi-step women’s skincare regime, men too have been inducted in the personal care debate.

While men seem to be confused with the kind of products, they should build a skincare regime. Experts suggest that skincare essentials remain almost same for all.

Here are some winter skincare tips that can be followed by both men and women:

1) Keep the skin moisturized


The only way to keep the skin nourished and healthy is by using a good moisturizer. For winter season, go for moisturizers that have a thicker consistency to shield the skin.

Skincare doesn’t necessarily have to be women-based as skin experts say that both the genders have similarities. Men however have thicker skin with dense hair growth which hints at higher frequency of personal care.

·     Always go for skincare products that are tried and tested

·     Skincare products in India have a wide market, read the reviews well

·     The key to keeping the skin moisturized is the magic of the ingredients

·     Ingredients like Natural, Essential oils work on almost all skin types because of their plant-based compound


2) Try to avoid using hot water on the skin


A hot and cozy shower is something we all look towards during the winter season to feel rejuvenated. However, this habit may result in a mayhem as hot water strips off moisture from the skin.

·     It may as well damage the surface of the skin

·     Try to avoid long hot showers in the winter season

·     Luke warm water is ok for all skin types

·     Your daily skincare ritual should include drinking lots of lukewarm water throughout the day


3) Exfoliate the skin


Do you know dead skin cells may prevent the products from getting absorbed into the skin? Despite all the efforts the skin remains dry and dehydrated. So, only moisturizing the skin is not enough, your skincare regime should have an exfoliation step too.

·     Both men and women should exfoliate the skin at least 3 times a week as per the skin type

·     It will open up clogged pores and let your skin breathe

·     Go for gentle exfoliators for your facial care

·     Be gentle on the skin while exfoliation and apply it for a couple of seconds


4) Don’t forget to wear your SPF


Using sunscreen during the winter should be a part of your daily skincare. People like to get a nice tan during the breezy season but the UV rays can be damaging for the skin. It is best to take preventative measures.

·     Don’t immediately step into the sun after wearing a sun protect

·     Let your sunscreen cover all the exposed parts of the body

·     Wear a minimum of SPF 30


5) Layer your skin correctly


One of the frequently made mistakes in skincare regime is the art of layering. FYI each skincare product has its own purpose. It is pertinent to learn the right way of using the products for maximum benefit. And this goes for both men and women.

·     The first step to skincare is using a cleanser to remove dirt from the skin

·     If you have makeup, use a makeup remover

·     Within a few seconds of cleaning the face, prep the skin with a hydrating serum for the skin to soak in water to keep it plump and smooth

·     The next step to your skincare regime is using a moisturizer to heal the dryness

·     Apply a sunscreen for skin protection

·     For the ones who avoid color cosmetics can opt for tinted moisturizers for a defining look

Skincare doesn’t necessarily have to be hectic. You can always go for multi-purpose skincare products that celebrate minimalism.

For better results remain consistent with your skincare regime.




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