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Boost Your Mobile Advertising Efforts with moLotus

Buana Sari
Boost Your Mobile Advertising Efforts with moLotus

What brought you here won’t take you there! Your advertising efforts require a new boost in 2022. moLotus is a revolutionary mobile advertising platform that ensures direct reach to your customers’ inbox via video ads. with no app, no data charges involved & no spamming.


moLotus mobile video customer interaction platform came into existence as a result of Novosol’s efforts to build a globally scalable platform benefitting advertisers and telco partners. The platform emphasizes breakthrough innovation and transformation.


moLotus gives you a unique opportunity to run 40-sec video ads to reach customers worldwide. The ads are playable on all mobile devices irrespective of phone type or model – 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G smartphones, i-phones and feature phones. Create automated, hyper-personalized, interactive, rich media campaigns to build brand awareness, drive consideration, or generate conversions and immediate revenue. Reach us today to know more about moLotus and its benchmark benefits for your business.

Buana Sari
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