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A Few Simple Steps - Fix Your Epson Printer’s Offline Status:

Printer IT Help
A Few Simple Steps - Fix Your Epson Printer’s Offline Status:

Plenty of people just can't figure out the problem when their Epson printer is offline, let alone the solution. It actually means that your printer is offline and can't communicate with the operating system. You may have to add the printer again to bring it back online or you can take these steps mentioned below:

Before you get to the process of changing the status of your Epson printer online from offline, you must check the following things:

  • The power cable is connected well
  • The printer is connected with the laptop or PC
  • All of the drivers are updated
  • You've already installed the printer's software

Steps to fix this issue on Windows 10

One of the most searched topics related to Epson printers troubleshooting is changing the status of the printer from "offline" to "online". First, you have to figure out why your printer is offline and then how you can change its status back to online.

  • Open the start button and go to the Device Manager.
  • As the Device Manager Screen appears choose Devices and Printers.
  • You'll see the "printer is offline" message there, right-click on it.
  • Then, click on "Use Printer Offline".
  • If the printer gets back to online status, it will start printing.

To make sure that the printer is online:

  • Go to the Control Panel and choose the Hardware and Sound option.
  • Open the "Devices and Printers" section from there.
  • You'll see your printer there, click on it, and confirm its status.
  • While you do that, make sure that the power is turned ON and the printer is connected to the same network on which your PC or laptop is.

Steps to fix this issue on Mac

  • This problem is also common as you set up your wireless Epson printer to Mac. Sometimes this problem occurs due to a network error and sometimes your Mac device is not able to establish a connection with the printer. If you receive the offline printer error on Mac then:
  • Restart the printer first.
  • Then, clear all pending print tasks and then check the status.
  • If that doesn't work, check all of the wired connections.
  • After doing that, get rid of any connection errors caused by the Wi-Fi router.

As you get the solution make sure that the printer doesn't get back to the offline status. To keep the printer away from such a problem, keep the software and drivers updated. Also, if you're facing this problem for the first time, make sure that the hardware is not faulty.

"Printer It Help" has been providing an array of services to their customers concerning offline printer issues. If you’re coming across stumbling blocks while performing the printer setup or whilst connect epson printer to laptop via wifi, their technicians will provide you with the best solutions that are cost-effective and time-efficient manner. Visit https://printerithelp.com/ to know more.

Printer IT Help
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