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University Counselling For International Higher Education

Assist Edu
University Counselling For International Higher Education

AssistEd App is developed with a unique combination of services and facilities that effectively cater to the constantly evolving international student recruitment industry. With everything from university and program searching to projects/internship & scholarships and an unlimited access to a huge knowledge base the portal has something for everyone. For students, this is an excellent method to find information about schools, special events, course details, calendar, and academic resources and contact information. For universities, AssistEd App is the perfect platform to access the international student population at one single location and communicate with them through various channels such as advertising, articles, webinars & fairs. For consultants, it is an effective source of large number of prospective students who are actively looking for study abroad information and require quality counselling & guidance.

The idea behind this application is to give our users a much needed common ground to not just browse for university information but to also discuss and debate on the various issues and concerns raised commonly, to share know how on new programs and universities, to counsel and to even locate nearby agents/students and so on.

Our Assisted  works on Unified Technology and is considered to be a highly regarded hub and resources for International activity and will connect a bridge between International University, Students and partners for fetching information globally and provide prompt support. Our excellent network, association with leading institutions worldwide and impeccable reputation helps us to deliver top quality education services.

Discover the latest information on higher education around the world with ease and apply to over 500+ public universities with 1000+ study programs. Chat with our experts, discuss on common topics or simply read up on the latest news, all this and more with AssistEd App . Download the App today!

Assist Edu
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