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Does Sonos work with Homekit?

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Does Sonos work with Homekit?

Yes. As we speak, the new generation Sonos speakers now work with Homekit seamlessly. Therefore, you will not have issues adding them to Homekit. Some of these latest versions of the Sonos speakers that can work with Homekit include:

Sonos beam

Sonos One

Sonos amp

Sonos Playbase

Sonos Play

However, if you have older versions of Sonos speakers, be sure that you will not be able to add them to Homekit directly. This is because they are not compatible with Homekit per se.

Instead, you have to rely on platforms such as Homebridge hub in order to make this integration possible. Better still, you can consider upgrading your older versions of the Sonos speakers and then integrate them with the Apple Homekit so that you can control these speakers easily through voice commands.

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