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How to Design Websites to Increase the Conversion Rate

sukrit infotech
How to Design Websites to Increase the Conversion Rate

Every online business wants to increase the conversion rate. What do you understand with the term “Conversion”? The word states that when visitors come to your website and take the desired action like filling out the contact form, commenting, or purchasing products or services. The term “Conversion Rate” is a mathematical formula where the percentage has been taken out by calculating the desired action on your website. For this, the total number of users who take an action and the number of total websites visitors are calculated. The term “Conversion Rate Optimization” refers to finding out the best measures to increase the conversion rate. It is all because when the conversion rate increases, a business gets profits. So what are the best measures to improve the conversion rate through website designing?

Use Negative Space Wisely

Negative space is the white space on your website. It is the margin of your page that gives each element its own breathing space and allows visitors to take a look at each element before moving on to the next. Without negative space, your website design will clutter and may look confusing.

Don’t Forget to Add Call to Action Tabs

Visitors of your website might have the intention to take your services. How do you prompt them to take the desired action? The best way is to add clear and concise call-to-action (CTA) buttons to let them know what exactly they want to do. For instance, if you want them to make a purchase, adding an “Add to Cart” is useful. It will significantly increase the number of users who want to take the action.

Fast Downloading of the Website

When a website is designed, the weight of the website must be light to encourage faster downloading. The loading speed impacts rankings and reduces the conversion rate. The standard load time of a website is 3.21 seconds. If it increases by one second or 5 seconds, the bounce rate will increase up to 90%.

Limiting Visitor’s Choices

Design the landing page in a way that fulfills the purpose of visitors. It is not about adding multiple actions that are irrelevant to users. So, a page should include the landing page that prompts users to take the desired action.

Responsive Design

We don’t know by which means users are accessing our website. It can be a laptop, mobile phone, or tablet. A website designer ensures to create a website that is responsive to all screen resolutions. 

sukrit infotech
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