AI Products 

Dynamic Hotel Mapping

Dynamic Hotel Mapping

Dynamic Hotel Mapping Displays The Best Hotel Rates On The Website

Dynamic Hotel Mapping assembles all exclusive hotel data from multiple sources of Hotel Extranet, Channel Manager, and XML/API for hoteliers and grant them to integrate this hotel data into their website to avoid duplicate entry of hotels.

This hotel mapping is the best tool for hoteliers to exactly map hotel content and prohibits the booking of the wrong hotel. there are many benefits of Dynamic Hotel Mapping. It particularly maps hotels and automatically synchronizes all hotel rates on the website and contributes instant booking confirmation to increase customer involvement and bookings.

What is hotel mapping?

Hotel mapping is a process of merging property IDs from various sources into one in order to avoid distinctive naming and duplication in listings. Duplication and inconsistent listing happen when an OTA sources information from two or more channels, like bedbanks, channel managers, GDSs, and larger OTAs.

Generally, hotel mapping refers to handling such details as:

  • Contact information
  • Address,
  • ZIP code,
  • General description,
  • Geo-location,
  • Policies, etc.

Hotel mapping software encourage you to regain that control and consolidate the content, developing the quality of the data you present and, basically, customer satisfaction.

Travelopro Dynamic Hotel Mapping

Online Travel Agents face the identical issue of duplication when it comes to rooms listed on their website. Every data provider contributes each room of a hotel differently but in reality, the same room is listed. Room duplication is a tedious problem since every supplier has particular standards when it comes to offering room data. Room mapping aims to improve customer involvement while finding the right room and optimizes profitability for the business.

Room mapping is a process of analyzing room level data via various parameters, detecting which room listings are the same, and discarding duplicate results. It is carried out to display rooms accurately meanwhile sorting them by various filters according to user’s preference. It is crucial to uniquely identify categories across various providers along with Room Type, Description, Room ID, Amenities, Bed type, Policy, and much more for better customer experience.

Hotel Management Software: Why you need it

Even the smallest independent properties prosperity from using hotel management software. Whether your hotel, bed, and breakfast, or hotel has a few rooms or a dozen, the right property management systems(PMS) will put you in control of your business.

There’s real power in having an organized system that fees you up to spotlight on the guest rather than waste time on repetitive manual tasks. Having the right tool can mean the difference between working ON your business and working IN it. Smaller properties are exclusively vulnerable to getting sucked into the current of daily operations, as the teams are small and almost always owner/operator driven.

Key Hotel Reservations Management System Features and Functionalities


  • Adequately add notes and desire to bookings with the integrated voice-to-text function
  • A purpose-built user interface to extremely improve the overall user-involvement
  • A streamlined booking process for speedy and accurate bookings

Guest Focused Features

  • Just one click to launch the checkout and check-in screens
  • Room charges and payments are color-coded for comfort of mention and an automated running total in one place
  • Add a personal touch to a guests stay by building a secure guest-preferences database for easy reference

Unique to the industry

  • Shopping Cart- it’s possible to park reservations in the shopping cart to finish them at a later time
  • Snooze- the snooze function avoids human error due to unfinished reservations
  • Room Plan- provides an overview of the occupancy and availability. Permissive receptionists to comfortably book a room for an guest or multiple rooms for entire groups, change reservations and dividend direct approach to all needed guest data.

For more details, pls visit our website:https://www.travelopro.com/dynamic-hotel-mapping.php

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