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Node.js Environment and Why it is Good to Become a Node.js Expert

Lindsay Prop
Node.js Environment and Why it is Good to Become a Node.js Expert

Greetings! Today let’s talk about one of the most famous and applicable runtime environments of JavaScript, which is Node.js.

It is a technology used by Ali Baba, eBay, and many other successful businesses. There is a big demand for this technology among small businesses and huge corporations now, and the hourly rates are really attractive.

That is why developers worldwide are learning Node.js, HRs are headhunting for developers of all levels, and it is a never-ending hiring process. Ironically, in most cases, this hiring process starts with an expert resume. A developer needs to provide a qualified CV first, no matter how good they are. There is a preapproved structure for developers’ resumes, and also, you can find numerous articles on the topic with more than one Node.js developer CV example.

Lindsay Prop
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