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Different Types of Mobile Homes for Sale In BC

Blackstone Homes
Different Types of Mobile Homes for Sale In BC

To most people, mobile homes for sale in BC seem like a rusty old trailer in the middle of nowhere. However, mobile homes have become much better and can be permanently placed in a good neighbourhood thanks to technological advancements. Moreover, mobile homes come in three different types. But before that, let's understand what mobile homes are.

What Are Mobile Homes?

Mobile homes are prefabricated homes built in a controlled environment. Unlike trailers, these homes are made from the same materials used in making conventional houses. What makes them different is their construction speed, eco-friendly build, and mobility.

Types of Mobile Homes for Sale In BC

There is a wide variety of mobile homes for sale in BC. But the most common types include; single wides, double wides, and triple wides. These homes are constructed in a factory under controlled climate conditions. Once the construction is completed, each piece is hauled to the owner's location.

Single Wide Mobile Homes

Single wide is the most common mobile home for sale in BC because it is cost-effective. Moreover, a single wide mobile home can range from 600 square feet to 1,330 square feet in size. Single wide homes are made from one structure, making them the most affordable option in BC.

Double Wide Mobile Homes

Double wide homes are two separate structures put together at the homeowner's site. While most people have concerns that double-wide homes are susceptible to leakage, it isn't something to worry about. A professional mobile homemaker will ensure specialized resources are put together in your home to minimize or eliminate any leakage chances. These homes are at least 90 feet in length and 12 feet wide.

Triple Wide Mobile Homes

Triple-wide homes look very much like conventional homes. Plus, you have plenty of customization options. However, don't be fooled by the word "triple" because these houses may require up to 5 pieces. When the construction process is completed, triple-wide home pieces are transported safely to the homeowner's site and put together by specialists.

These homes are made with laser precious and computer algorithms, so you don't have to worry about protruding edges or leakage. Each piece fits like a perfect piece of the puzzle, completing your home within 5 months.

Some of the main benefits of mobile homes in BC are affordability, time, and energy efficiency. Your mobile home construction company will map your geographic location and build a house that'll use less energy and produce the same results.

As a result, you not only save up on construction costs but energy bills as well. Finally, you get premium conventional house quality with your mobile home and a vast selection of customization options.

Justin Sobers is the author of this article. For more details about Prefab Homes in BC visit our website: pg.blackstonehomes.net

Blackstone Homes
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