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What’s Your Favorite Decadent Dessert?

malek al chocola
What’s Your Favorite Decadent Dessert?

Don’t you want a slice of cake with a drizzle of chocolate sauce? Don’t like chocolate? How about ice cream with a hint of raspberry flavoring or Carmel drizzle on top?

We have everything that you want! Fresh Juices, Chocolate, Crepe, Diet Pizza, Waffle, Éclairs, Fruit Salad.

At the request of our valuable customers, malek al chocola كافتيريا ملك الشوكولا brought you back the best offer you’ll love.

*Special Offer On Crepe - Waffle - Pancake Items:

Triple Chocolate Crepe WORTH 20 dirhams NOW only for 15 dirhams.

Chocolate waffle WORTH 22 dirhams - NOW only 17 dirhams

Chocolate pancake WORTH 20 dirhams - NOW only 15 dirhams

Enjoy the taste of Belgian Chocolate at competitive prices. You can add cream, fruits or ice cream for an additional 5 dirhams. Offer Includes Lounge & Takeaway and Registration Of Adjacent Buildings Only.

Visit us Today at:

Sharjah branch from Jamal Abdel Nasser after the new Shamseen bakery in front of Abaq Al-Sham and Al Madinah hypermarket


malek al chocola
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