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What is a Web Based Asset Tracking and how does it work?

Anthony Kelly
What is a Web Based Asset Tracking and how does it work?

Knowing “how many assets do I have right now” is the puzzle that web based asset tracking system solves. Sounds simple and like something that you can trust the human mind to do but here is why you thought wrong.

Asset tracking is basically having the virtual access to all the assets in a facility with the help of a web based asset tracking system installed and accessible through a web enabled device.

This system accurately keeps record of all the equipment and this process goes all the way from knowing the accurate number of assets, their where about in real time, when they need maintenance and when to replace them.

Trying to keep accurate records should not be where all your effort goes rather, consider investing on an asset tracking system and focus more on productivity.

How Web Based Asset Tracking Works?

Asset tracking is a process that can be broken down into several steps:

Record all the assets in the system

First and foremost if you get a web based tracking system the first thing is to record all the information of all the assets you have in your organization. This will ensure no details are left out regarding any of the assets.

Label each asset with the designated tracking Method

Methods used for asset tracking vary with the type of assets. Some of the methods used are; barcodes, QR codes, GPS e.tc.

This gives each asset a unique way of identifying it.

Keep Track of Assets in real time

Now this is where you just sit back and watch over everything. Having done all the above you can easily access all your asset from your device with details of each.

Common Methods of Asset Tracking

When it comes to asset tracking several digitized methods are involved; forget your usual pen and paper/spreadsheet. Some of these are:

Using Barcode

This is was the first and the actual asset tracking tool that replaced spreadsheets. A Bar code is a series of black and white parallel lines that you have definitely spotted on most products. It reduces the problem of having to key in records manually.

Using RFID Method

Radio frequency identification commonly known as RFID is a tool of asset tracking that is quite similar to barcode but faster than the latter. RFID uses radio waves to track assets information.

Web Based Asset TrackingUsing Near Field Communication (NFC)

Quite similar to RFID due to the fact that they all can be used to track assets that are within a cross range. However, unlike the barcode where you have to focus on the equipment with NFC you just need to bring your device close to the equipment.

Global Positioning System

This method is commonly known as the GPS. It was initially invented for organizations that need several commercial vehicle for operation commonly known as fleet management.

However with time this has changed because GPS is not only used in the auto motive industry but by other industries as well. It allows you to keep record of your asset and track it in real time with the help of a web based asset tracking system.

Why You Need A Web Based Asset Tracking System

Being in a position where you have not used something in the past you may be wondering why you need an asset tracking software anyway. Being in the comfort of manual tracking system might make you feel like you don’t need an automatic way of tracking assets. Now, here is why you need to change how you do it:

Upgrading, Keeping Up with your Competitors and Making Operations Easier For You

Nobody want to be left behind especially with the massive technological revolution that is taking place every day globally; it’s only fair for your business to embrace the advancements and equally adapt to them.

Moreover, chances are that your competitors have a tracking system in place already and their operations have been made easier, they are maximizing on profits and are definitely being better than you in the game.

It’s not all about upgrading and keeping up. Making it easier to run and operate your business is among the many reasons why you need an asset tracking software in your organization. Having one means literally controlling your entire company from your device.

Can Software Asset Tracking Be Used By All Types of Business

The answer is a big Yes! No business is too big or too small to have an asset tracking solution. Basically, any business needs one; either a multi-functional one or a small business. Here are some of the industries that are embracing asset tracking solution:

Health Facilities

This is among the many places where a tracking system is so important; weather small or big it is equally essential. Helps with keeping records of stock of drugs that come in and all the equipment that assist in running any health facility.

Retail Stores

This goes all the way from small retails shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, online stores etc. It is important to keep track of all the goods that come in and those that have been sold already. To accomplish this accurately you need an asset tracking solution for your business.

Logistics and Warehouses

The worst mistake will be delivering the wrong parcel or cargo to the wrong client courtesy of a mistake that was made when taking records. A manual system can mess your business up, ruin your reputation and incur losses in the process. Shouldn’t you be having an asset tracking system already?

FMCG Companies

Weather small or big any fast moving consumer goods company needs to track assets. These companies involve a lot of departments between manufacturing and distribution and to ensure everything is done accurately and no losses are made in between; a system is the solution.

In A Nutshell

You could be doing everything the way it is supposed to be done but the fact that you are still holding on to the manual way of tracking assets could be the ultimate reason why you are not making profits like you should be.

Our Web based asset management software will help you do away with any ghost assets that may be in your company without your knowledge that are definitely messing your organization up.

It time you said goodbye to spreadsheets and hello to software asset tracking!

Anthony Kelly
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