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An Analysis Of Power BI A Key Business Intelligence Tool

Enterprise DNA
An Analysis Of Power BI A Key Business Intelligence Tool

Business intelligence (BI) reporting tools enable a to business collect, consolidate, and derive value from its raw data. These tools enable users to analyze their data thoroughly, to help in decision-making at every level in the organization. The variety of BI reporting tools is nearly 80–85% similar with respect to functionalities and features. Separate BI tools provide for unique user needs like Self Service Reporting, Advanced Analytics, Enterprise-level reporting, etc.

There are certain expectations from a BI reporting tool when it comes to evaluating them based on certain parameters. In this post let us consider the leading BI reporting tool power bi knowledge base and analyze it based on different parameters.

Power BI A Short Explanation

Power BI enables users to collect business insights from on-premise as well as cloud-stored data in a dynamic, interactive visualization at an economical cost of ownership.

Salient Features

Content Packs: Power BI information uses Content Packs, which carries dashboard reports, data models, as well as embedded queries.

Custom Visualization: Power BI carries a library of custom visualization. If the business requirements are unique, then so should the visuals.

Access to a Range of Data Sources: Power BI Desktop carries a large variety of on-premise and cloud data sources.

Print Dashboard: Power BI offers a distinguished feature for printing dashboards, which can come in handy during board meetings and discussions.

Power BI A Great Business Reporting Tool

Data visualization, predictive modelling, and effective reporting are critical business needs. They are able to productively answer many questions that could help in augmenting your business gain. Of course, excel has many cutting-edge features that have assisted several businesses for ages. In a time when the needs of businesses are changing at a fast rate. Data are accumulating more than ever before. They could answer and sort out a few of the complex problems in your business. So, a powerful data analytics tool is recommended to solve complex business problems. Read more...

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