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Hey are you looking for best banquet hall in delhi.

Hey are you looking for best banquet hall in delhi.

End your search here with seven seas banquet. Seven Seas gives you a combination of indoor and outdoor venues to host gatherings of around 2,000 to 2,500 guests. Exotically decorated with contemporary style patterns, every hall has a separate pre function area exhibiting splendor and an individualized entry that can be clubbed with the outdoor lawn to support large gathering. Explicating magnificence in every corner, seven seas reflects a taste for contemporary style through designer chandeliers, artistic showpieces, classy wallpapers, innovative decor and an exotic buffet layout for a sumptuous feast. Let the celebrations unfurl its majestic essence as Seven seas gives you the perfect luxury banqueting experience. Be it a pre to post wedding function or a corporate event or any social occasion / exhibition that calls for a ceremonial blast, Seven Seas serves you with happiness and a touch of impeccable hospitality. Equipped with all modern facilities, Seven Seas acts as an ideal venue for giving a new meaning to your party plans.SevenSeasCatering offers the most promising catering services from delicious delicacies to perfect set-up at the comfort of your home. Our exclusive customised packaged will leave you in awe with world cuisine menu and state-of-the-art services. So all you will have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy some scrumptious delights.

Our professionals will make sure that all precautions and guidelines are maintained and taken care of for Covid 19 so that your guests only enjoy the celebrations.


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