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Diabetes can cause diabetic neuropathy, a form of nerve damage.

Diabetes can cause diabetic neuropathy, a form of nerve damage.

Diabetic neuropathy is a kind of nerve injury caused by diabetes. Blood sugar (glucose) levels that are too high can injure nerves throughout your body. Diabetic neuropathy most typically affects the nerves in your legs and feet.

Depending on which nerves are affected, diabetic neuropathy symptoms can range from soreness and numbness in your legs and feet to problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels, and heart. Minor indications and symptoms may be experienced by some people. Diabetic neuropathy, on the other hand, can be excruciatingly painful and life-threatening for certain patients.

Diabetic neuropathy is a serious diabetes complication that affects up to 50% of people with the condition. Continuous blood sugar control and a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, can usually prevent or reduce the growth of diabetic neuropathy.


There are four different types of diabetic neuropathy. You can have just one type of neuropathy or several.

Your symptoms will be determined by the type of nerve damage you have and which nerves are affected. Symptoms usually develop over time. It's possible that you won't discover anything's wrong until you've suffered major nerve damage.

Read more @ https://tradove.com/blog/How-Do-You-Diagnose-Diabetic-Neuropathy.html

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